Jason Sohn

Behind the scenes:
Sinusoidal Gratings Generator

figure 1: Interactivity built in.


This tool started out as a way for me to quickly and easily run machine learning experiments on carefully defined sets of sinusoidal gratings.

In the spirit of modernizing and open-sourcing psychology research, I decided to spend an evening turning my jupyter notebook into a fully graphical, no-code web-hosted tool.

I suggest you take a few minutes to see how sinusoidal gratings are created using this tool, then move onto advanced examples in Python (coming soon).

Try it live! (click on me)

If the site is up, the following badge should be green.

Start web app (sine.tensorturtle.com)

If the web app is not working as expected, please contact me.

Currently hosted on Naver Cloud.

How to run locally

Assuming Python pip and git is installed.

First, install Jupyter Lab and Voila.

From the command line,

pip install jupyterlab
pip install voila

Second, clone the tensorturtle/deep-sinusoidal-grating GitHub repository.

git clone https://github.com/tensorturtle/deep-sinusoidal-grating.git

Third, start Jupyter Lab:

jupyter lab

Open up no_code_tutorial.ipynb and open it in Voila (circular icon in the toolbar)

Screenshot (v0.1.0)

figure 2: Screenshot, v0.1.0

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